Valentine's Day is right around the corner! What are you planning to do with your spouse?
My husband and I have never really made a big deal about it, but this year I am doing the Marriage Challenge by Courtney at! I have to say I was a little hesitant at first as my husband and I aren't at our best right now. But it's only four weeks, and what will it hurt, right?
This week is about praising your husband, taking the initiative, and being consistent. I am always thanking him for working so hard and being a good dad, but this week I have to step out of my comfort zone. I am determined to tell him these things and let other people know how I feel about him. Even though we have our differences, he really is an amazing husband and father.
This is how I praised my husband today:
It's hard to dig for the right words sometimes, but I encourage you to take some time to think about how your spouse has made you and your life better, and give thanks for it.
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