Friday, January 18, 2013

A little about me!

Hi my name is Jacky. I'm happily married to an awesome man that I've known pretty much my whole life. Don't get me wrong we are not always happy and we have lots of problems, but we are strong and willing to work on it together...

Liz and I have been doing a bible study for the past two months on Proverbs 31 "the Proverbs Wife".
These two months have been a learning experience on how God wants me to be as a wife- especially since I am so.... head strong. LOL. Especially in this time and age were they tell us, women, wives to be our own person and that we don't have to do a thing for our husbands if we don't want to. "They (guys) can make their own food, wash their own dishes, clean up after themselves". Now, don't get me wrong that is not necessarily bad and guys can do all that by themselves. Actually, the other day my husband made me a surprise breakfast and I didn't even know he could cook!

I've learned that us, as wives, should do the things that are expected of us to do: cook, clean, and other wifely duties. We will be happier doing those things for our husbands. I know when I clean or do other things at home and I see my husband smile cause I did it makes me soooo happy. Then they will be happy and I 100% believe that then they will start doing things for us to make us happy.

Trust me, what I just wrote I would have never believed it, and I never did or wanted to. This was before I started studying Proverbs 31. I would just sit at home watching TV and I wouldn't do anything at home. I'd clean whenever my husband offered to help clean and I was super depressed, but I chose to do nothing about it. Cleaning is not only a wife duty but honestly it makes you feel better living in a clean environment.


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