Friday, December 7, 2012

Did you lose your tour guide?

We've been studying Proverbs 31. Let me tell you something: this woman is amazing! It is so motivating to have her as a role model. Last week we reached Proverbs 31:25 which says:
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
This verse really stuck out to me. What is strength? How does one act when one is clothed in strength? How do we attain that type of clothing?

Society has skewed our perspective of what strength really is. Many people believe being strong means being cold, heartless, showing no emotion, getting through tough situations with not much more than a tear.. Truth is WE'RE HUMAN! We were given feelings! No matter how strong we try to be, we will cry, we will break, we will get frustrated, we will yell, we will give up.. It's part of being a human.

So how do we achieve this strength that we so desperately desire? Trust in God. Easier said than done. I find myself saying I'm going to trust God and what He has in store for me, but at the same time I'm trying to be my own tour guide. God is our tour guide! The question is: will we let Him guide us through this dark, vicious, frightening world?
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
And, you know what the best part of all this is? GOD IS WITH YOU THROUGH IT ALL. Amazing, right? What a wonderful promise we find in Isaiah:
I will be your God throughout your lifetime- until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you. (Isaiah 46:4)
 I feel so special knowing that the One who created everything around me including the stars in the skies, has been in my life before birth and will be with me even after death. That's how much He loves us! I have to admit, the past few weeks I've felt like a bitter, old woman. I was finding the bad in everything. It is exhausting to be negative. I am tired! Today I asked God to fill my heart with His love and goodness. I've had a roller coaster of a day, and I am glad that I finally decided to let Him be my tour guide!

Will you take the time today to pray and ask God to lead you through this life? Let Him be the reason you're strong. You can't do it on your own!

Just as a heads up, another member of our study group will also be posting on this blog. Be on the lookout for her first post!


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